Change Location
I love the idea of rain parrot for slipping my bicycle commute in between the showers. To make this even better it would be good to be able to change the location so that I can see predictions on when it will rain along the route. For example the rain here usually comes from the W and my commute home from work is E to W. If I could set the location to my home and see that it isn’t expected to rain there for 40 mins then I know that I could get home dry. Leaving the location at the office may say clear for the next hour but it may start raining on me before I get home.

We are looking into adding additional locations on a separate page. Note we have tried this feature and it isn’t as useful as it sounds, as the rain often travels faster than you can. So by the time you arrive at your new location the rain prediction is completely different to when you left as so much time has passed.
Chris. commented
I want this as iv paid almost $3 for the app and it has me located in a suburb that’s 30km away from me. Reallly pissed off. It’s great to have all the bells and wistles but it has to WORK.
Anonymous commented
Would be great to adjust location as currently it forecasts for a town 22km away and is always slightly off. As I am hinterland, in a topographical area, it can be a big difference in the 20km.
Cheers -
Anonymous commented
Would love to use this app to know the weather at my travel destination. So it will be great to change the current location.
Let’s say if I want to go to the beach I am more interested in the weather at the beach than my current location.
Anonymous commented
We have had thunder, lightening and torrential rain here at Mornington since 9-10 am it's now 1.11pm, can't hear anything for the rain.
My Rain Parrot has told me all morning "no rain approaching" -
Anonymous commented
There would be a map that users can drop a pin on to save a location as well as having the option of viewing the users current location.
Anonymous commented
The closet place it found for me is almost 15mins + away other apps let me tell them where I am