Check other locations
If I’m planning on travelling somewhere I’d like to check the rain prediction
Anonymous commented
Yes - I need to know the rain at other locations. I can tell it’s raining where I am🤠
Sue commented
Yep. The app isn’t very functional if you can’t choose to look up another location than the one you’re in. May as we’ll stick with the iPhone ‘Weather’ app
Anonymous commented
Totally agree it’s a necessary feature to this otherwise great and accurate app.
Anonymous commented
I wish I’d known I couldn’t see other locations before I bought this
Anonymous commented
Yep! Totally agree this is a must.
Anonymous commented
Without a doubt agree. Simply assumed this was a feature for a paid app.
Annette commented
Id like to be able to check rain where I’m going. To be able to love location at anytime without physically being there given this is a paid app
Marcos commented
Yes. It’s important to know more places.
Carolyn Smith commented
I’m a landscape gardener and work up to an hour from home. I’m very disappointed you can’t choose the location. There’s a big difference between the Dandenongs (where I live) and Glen Eira (where I work). Missed out on work yesterday because I couldn’t work out if it was worth going. And fuel so expensive at present. Please add this feature 🙏🙏🙏
Tim commented
I run a concreting business and this is the most accurate app I have used to date. It’s just crazy that you can’t change your location, I need to know what’s happening with the rain at other building sites around Victoria. I’d be happy to pay extra for the feature!!!
Anonymous commented
I have been able in the past to input other locations where I’m going & its gone now grrrrrr