Why not set the bar and be the ones out front in your industry ?
2022 People !!!! The quantum leaps experienced in technologies and affordabilities have been seismic, I will say I do like your app and if I didn’t I certainly would not have shelled out for the full version of it. My question is put to you for a answer on what it is that is the definitive difference from your weather app to everyone else’s, I open my device up and can click on a app and look at the weather on hundreds of weather apps and yes sure yours does have a couple of aspects that sets yours and others differences in a cosmetic way but when we get down to the splitting of hairs well………..it or they will still tell me why my bum is cold when sitting outside at a bus terminal or why I have perspiration covering me like a halfback who has just played a full 80 minutes for the wallabies test side because its hot today and tomorrow as well. So I say why not become the point of difference so the rest are well exactly that rest ! Everyone has a smart phone these days and the minor half percent who don’t well thats up to them and half a percent never was leader of a industry either might I outline. A.R / V.R is in almost every smart phone and I know one thing, it would be a very nice point of difference if it would be properly written into a app that I could use on a daily basis with this game changing interaction that you would bring to the new party for all to say thats raised the bar to the next level and maybe a few extra too ! Anyone can be anything they want to be, it just comes down to how much they want to be.

Jimmy James commented