Add more radars
I am in the Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba, the app is using Brisbane radar and saying I am too far from the radar for accurate predictions (It has rained and no notifications at all). There is no option for me to use the much closer Marburg radar.
At the moment there is some complex logic for choosing the correct radar – I’ll look into tweaking it if there is a closer radar, even if that is of a lower quality image.
Anonymous commented
Central Australia please,
Anonymous commented
The nearest radar station to Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba is Marburg
Steve commented
I'm in Bendigo (major regional city) and cannot get detail on the 64K radar as Melbourne is centralised.
We have weather radars here, I want to be able to set the central radar location to Bendigo
Anonymous commented
Two radars in Sydney, Terry Hills & Appin. When Appin selected the app doesn’t have 64km option even though this is available on BOM site and in other apps. Can this be added please?
Anonymous commented
I had this problem and wanted Marburg as it is more sensitive. The hack is choose another surrounding radar eg in the Bundaberg region and Marburg appears as an option