Change Location
I love the idea of rain parrot for slipping my bicycle commute in between the showers. To make this even better it would be good to be able to change the location so that I can see predictions on when it will rain along the route. For example the rain here usually comes from the W and my commute home from work is E to W. If I could set the location to my home and see that it isn’t expected to rain there for 40 mins then I know that I could get home dry. Leaving the location at the office may say clear for the next hour but it may start raining on me before I get home.

We are looking into adding additional locations on a separate page. Note we have tried this feature and it isn’t as useful as it sounds, as the rain often travels faster than you can. So by the time you arrive at your new location the rain prediction is completely different to when you left as so much time has passed.
Adrian commented
Hi Admin. I would argue that being able to let someone know current conditions at a different location is useful. For example, I am in hospital today and had someone coming to install Solar on my roof, but cant if the roof it wet. They wanted to know what the conditions were like at my house, but as I could not change locations to find out. I trust your data so being able to share that is useful.
Anonymous commented
I have various clients in different areas being able to see what rainfall is predicted for that area would be great not just on my phone location. I also own a farm so if I am away I can see the rainfall predicted for home , to make important decisions if required. Ability to set up favourite locations
Anonymous commented
What about if you are going away and want to know what the weather is going to be like when you arrive or whilst you are there. This is a common feature on all weather apps.
Anonymous commented
Hi Brad. Is this feature still coming?
Anonymous commented
I live in two locations, and I travel a lot. I’d like to know if it’s raining, irrespective of my current location. I expected the app to support this kind of query!
Anonymous commented
Cabramatta Golf Club
Craig commented
App works a treat for my current location. I work in the aviation forecasting role and would love to have the capability to reset the location to other points around Australia - namely airports that my company operate into. This would be a fantastic option if enabled that would provide additional forecasting functionality to the aviation industry and might earn you some additional subscribers ($’s). Well done so far.
Anonymous commented
Long update
Anonymous commented
Long TruongApple
David commented
I live in a rural area where rain is very important for our livelihood. We would like to be able to fix our location so we can monitor rain fall when travelling away from home. We love the app!
Anonymous commented
Please allow a location set option. We are in an area the Parrot almost always cannot locate for some reason and instead it defers to Mangrove Mountain miles from us or Sydney even though we are 130kms from Observatory Hill!
Anonymous commented
Yep, can’t wait till the set location feature is available. Not much use if you can’t see weather where you are heading, whether it be flying, driving, riding or walking.
Craig commented
Being able to set manual locations would be useful, currently the app thinks I’m at Garden island which is the navel base 23kms away offshore, the island weather is completely different to onshore conditions in Baldivis 😒
Anonymous commented
Mine seems set on Melbourne but I live in Adelaide
Anonymous commented
This feature would be extremely useful to plan for travel to different places.
Anonymous commented
Mind keeps setting to a different suburb on my phone but my iPad is different.
Anonymous commented
Doesn’t seem to get my location. Random VIC locations. Not great.
Pi$$ed off commented
Waste of bloody money !!! Failed to load every time!! Didn’t realize that it only works in Australia as well !!
Anonymous commented
Just installed this app today and it doesn’t have my location correct.
Being able to have the correct location is imperative to the app being useful and working as intended. -
Anonymous commented
How can I change my location?