50 results found
Show lightning strikes
10 votesI’m not sure where to source the data for this
1 vote
There is already a legend for the colours at the top of the map. I don’t have a data source for the lightning so I can’t add that at the moment.
Make the map zoomable
I would like to zoom into the radar map on my iPhone, can you enable pinch/zoom/pan on the map
3 votesI did actually build this into a prototype, but it doesn’t work half as well as you would think it would. Basically it gives no extra data, it just blurs it more.
Give more description of icons...
Like the arrow on the middle of "viewbank", i have no idea what it presents.
3 votesThe arrow is the wind direction…
Clearer labelling of numerical data
Even after reading the iTunes app description, Googling and browsing Rain Partot, checking screenshots, watching the promo video, checking the Twitter stream, and combing uservoice entries I still have a very poor idea of what the various numbers are, especially the forecasting screen. Some screenshots show an am/pm suffix to numbers (not in the actual app tho), so the upper row must be 'time', and i assume s the next 3 days worth. Lower row could be temp at that time, but is still inconsistent with any forecast high/low temps shown lower on the same screen. Basically, i'm assuming numbers…
2 votesI’m sure you can figure most of it out. It’s using your system localisation settings, after all.
Time or Temp?
Could we please get an am/pm and or degrees symbols on the hourly forecast ribbon? I'm still not 100% sure what's what there.
1 voteThese use your phone’s regional and language settings
5 votes
Sorry, it’s not going to happen
Temperature drops
I wonder whether similar methods could be used for temperature drops, or wind changes, when a front is coming in. Both pieces of data can be sourced from nearby weather stations, and it's more predictable even over a 4 hour period.
In some ways this is a "warning" app. So high winds, temperature change, rain - and localised BOM warnings too - seem part of it.
(Only just got the app, looking forward to using).
1 voteI’m not sure what value that would provide, it already has rain warnings, the only other one would be high wind warnings, but once you are getting into that territory there is often a rain front associated with the high winds anyway.
UV index
I think it would be great if you added a UV index to the weather page. ☀️☀️☀️
3 votesIt does not appear that I get the data for this from the BoM so I don’t think it is possible at this stage.
Pebble Time app
Just wondering whether you have considered adding support for the Pebble Time smartwatch. I believe that timeline integration with an app like this would be amazing.
6 votesIf someone is willing to donate me a pebble then I’ll consider adding it. I have already built it for the Apple Watch though. I am also a little concerned how it would work, it may take some major rework of the API.
- Don't see your idea?