50 results found
Choose alternative location
Could this integrate with a map so you can choose an alternative location - eg your grandmas house who is wanting me to go and mow the lawns - it would be helpful for me to know if I was about to get rained on before I started heading there! Or when I'm at work or a friends house, can choose my location as my house so I know if I need to bail to bring the washing in
28 votesWe don’t plan to add this as a feature, at least not in the app. We may be looking to add such a feature a paid feature for business users.
Choose location
Choose location without having to turn on gps
27 votesI don’t see a viable reason for adding this in, the app needs your exact location or it is way to inaccurate.
17 votes
If we add this feature it will be a premium feature not in the standard app.
Save locations
Be able to monitor more than one location. For example: current location, home and office, site 1, site 2. Then save them and receive notifications as well.
My company have teams (more than 10) located in different places and the job performed for those teams depends on weather conditions. Then, this feature could help me to monitor all the different places I have a team. I think this could be an "in app purchase". I am willing to pay an extra money for this.
17 votesUnfortunately this would add significant complexity to the app, at this stage it’s just not going to happen.
15 votes
If we add this feature it will be a premium feature not in the standard app.
Can you set your location?
It would be great to tell when it will rain at the golf course
10 votesI had planned to add such a feature, however there are a number of technical issues with this, so I have decided at this stage not to implement it, however have taken note and may revisit this at a later date.
Show lightning strikes
10 votesI’m not sure where to source the data for this
10 votes
I would like that too, but it’s not on the cards at the moment
Alerts when a cool change moves through on a very hot day or after heatwaves
During summer on extremely hot days, or post heatwaves, when a property is closed up and air conditioning is running, an alert that a cooling breeze and rapid temperature drop has just occurred outside notifies users to turn air-conditioning off and open up the premises for fresh air and free cooling. Save energy / money / reduce emissions etc.
9 votesIt’s a good suggestion, I’m not exactly sure how it would work though. At this stage I think it would complicate the app too much, but I’ll keep it in mind
9 votes
The source radar images are square, so in order for that to happen we would need to crop the radar image, losing the sides of the image.
The radar resolution is already upscaled 3x, so there is no extra data by zooming in.
App not working since update
I updated this app yesterday on my iPad & now it's not working. Won't even open.
8 votesThe servers went offline for a few minutes as one of the servers needed replacing.
Saved rain loctions
Would it be possible to save locations for rain like home. So I can see how long until it would rain at home?
8 votes -
Exact location accuracy
More of a question, why does it set my location completely different to where I am? It says coollungatta as my location but I’m in Burleigh... is there anyway to make it more accurate?
7 votesThe app will use the nearest reporting radar and weather stations
Hail alert
Hail alert would be a great feature if possible.
7 votesI’m not sure it is possible to differentiate between very heavy rain and hail, but this is the key – it if says very heavy rain then there is a good likelihood of there being hail too.
7 votes
I would like that too, but it’s not on the cards at the moment
More info about radar timing
We can't tell if radar is last 10 minutes or next 10 minutes or even last hour or next hour. Would be good to know what time frame we are looking at when viewing the radar loop
6 votesIt is always the last 6 minutes. It can’t look ahead.
Pebble Time app
Just wondering whether you have considered adding support for the Pebble Time smartwatch. I believe that timeline integration with an app like this would be amazing.
6 votesIf someone is willing to donate me a pebble then I’ll consider adding it. I have already built it for the Apple Watch though. I am also a little concerned how it would work, it may take some major rework of the API.
We should be able to type in a location so it isn't so difficult to see where you are on the map if you don't live in a large town.
5 votesThe app will use your current location, you don’t need to be in a town for it to work – you can be in the middle of the bush and as long as there is radar within about 200km and you have phone reception it will work fine.
Android version please?
Be nice for us missing out. I get jealous when the guy at work gets alerts on his iphone.
5 votesSorry, at this stage it’s not likely.
5 votes
Sorry, it’s not going to happen
- Don't see your idea?