168 results found
Lightning strikes
It would be great if you could add approximately how far the lighting strikes are from your location
2 votes -
Anna Drakos
I would like to set the forecast for where I am at, when we are home…not 64km away!!!
1 vote -
1 vote
Check other locations
If I’m planning on travelling somewhere I’d like to check the rain prediction
80 votes -
Radar selection
It would be good to select a radar that is closest to you. Not everyone lives in a metro area
13 votes -
Allow to add multiple locations
I would love to see what the weather is going to be like at my work/ kids school so that I can plan my trip accordingly.
This feature is a must/ minimum feature that every weather app should have. Its strange how a paid app doesn’t this basic feature.
Is you dont want to save a location provide the data according to the nearest BOM centre.49 votes -
158 votes
17 votes
Provide a view for the whole day
Provide a graph that show the percentage likelihood of rain in each hour of the day.
1 vote -
1 vote
Show device compass direction in radar view
1 vote -
Closer image
Can you please make it so we can zoom in more on the radar
2 votes -
4 votes
Map scale
A pinch sensitive scale on the maps would be beneficial
1 vote -
Live Activites integration
It would be amazing to get a Live Activities integration to show upcoming rain expected on the lock screen.
1 vote -
Yesterday’s Rainfall & Temperature total
Add the maximum temperature and total rainfall that was reached yesterday.
1 vote -
Yesterday’s Rainfall & Temperature total
Add the maximum temperature and total rainfall that was reached yesterday.
1 vote -
Time Stamp for Radar
PLEASE add a time stamp for the radar so we can see the time as the weather rolls in
3 votes -
Adjust for time zone
I’m in Australia and so the app rainfalls seem to relate to a different zone (USA?)
1 vote -
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?