My feedback
27 results found
10 votes
The tricky part is that getting this data accurately is difficult, but I would like to see it also
111 votes
We are looking into adding additional locations on a separate page. Note we have tried this feature and it isn’t as useful as it sounds, as the rain often travels faster than you can. So by the time you arrive at your new location the rain prediction is completely different to when you left as so much time has passed.
7 votes
11 votes
We are looking into some advanced ways we can merge our current ‘actual’ data with the predicted models, that other apps use, to provide a higher accuracy solution.
There are loads of apps that ‘fake it’ by using these models, we prefer to give the real data where possible, however we understand that this doesn’t work for everyone, particularly if you are not near a weather station.
5 votes
3 votes
We’d really like to implement this too – I had a go at it during peak bushfire season, however it turns out it’s substantially more complex than first though, and getting some accurate data on what is a fire or not is also quite tricky.
5 votes
17 votes
8 votes
31 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
37 votes
67 votes
55 votes
100 votes
8 votes
We are working on some design updates and I’ll see if we can integrate some of these ideas.
10 votes
Unfortunately getting data this accurate is tricky, typically when you see this feature they may be using tricks like interpolation (averaging) between two 3 hour data points. I have been looking for a data source that can give this but it get both expensive and technical to implement.
7 votes
The radar has a limited resolution, so zooming in doesn’t give you any more data, it just makes the image blurrier.
9 votes
You don’t need to go to that page, there is no need to go there if you don’t want to. Anyway it is looking like that page will be removed in a future update anyway
Anonymous supported this idea ·
17 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
28 votes
The current design focuses on keeping the design clean and removing any information that is not required. The point of the radar page is that it is always up to date, and will let you know when the next image is arriving. The prediction page tells you when the rain is arriving.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
I’d like to have a more accurate location weather alert and not for the suburbs 10 - 15kms or more away and also showing all the areas on the map not just the main Suburbs