166 results found
User-sourced local warnings
Another page for local warnings.
If you experience a particular "event" then you can log it in your area by choosing from a pre-determined list (eg. Flash flood, fog, hail, power outage etc.) - if a certain number of users in the same area report the same event, it then pops up on the local warnings page.
The events should also be time stamped, so we can see how long ago it was reported.
Perhaps there could be follow-up notifications on the hour to users that submitted a report, where they confirm whether or not the event is still taking…
9 votesGreat idea, however it is almost an app in itself – it is significantly more complex than it sounds, but I’ll look into it.
About page
Relocate the About page to Settings or Feedback and Support.
Love the app and would love to support the developer. But I don’t think this page warrants a separate section on the main navigation menu.
:)9 votesYou don’t need to go to that page, there is no need to go there if you don’t want to. Anyway it is looking like that page will be removed in a future update anyway
What about adding the ability to share a forecast?
9 votesStay tuned!
More detailed text for forecast
Ie general forecast with wind etc...
9 votes -
8 votes
More prominent Location pin colour
Our location pin is crimson, so we can’t see it when zooming out if there is crimson in the rain front j. The radar. A color that is not on the radar would be great. Fluro green?
8 votes -
Location not accurate on weather map
It’s raining quite heavily over Dandenong. And the app says that it’s light rain overhead, where the weather map is 30km away from my location
8 votes -
How do I
How do I put my hometown in favourites ie Albury, Wagga is closet NSW way & Yarrawonga the vic way & both are 150 plus km away ?
8 votes -
48hr forecast icons are difficult to see
+Make the 48hr forecast panel larger or clickable to show more details like a percentage likely hood of rain and at what time the rain should occur per hour or 2hr. Also show wind speed, wind direction, temperature etc. It's convenient to plan the day around this info.
8 votesWe are working on some design updates and I’ll see if we can integrate some of these ideas.
Widget gone with ios18
Needs a new widget for ios18.
8 votes -
Wind direction & speed options
In settings it would be great to have the option to set the wind arrow to show the direction in which the wind is blowing (eg Northerly wind arrow pointing downwards).
Also would like the option to choose between km/h and knots for wind speed.
7 votes -
this app hasn’t been updated in a while, maybe we should start there
7 votes -
7 votes
Rain Parrot for Android
Hi guys. I used rain parrot on iPhone and love it. I have now switched to Android and see there is no rain parrot to be found!
Are you planning on making it available to Android users too?7 votes -
7 votes
The radar has a limited resolution, so zooming in doesn’t give you any more data, it just makes the image blurrier.
Live activities
Being able to see the precipitation in a live activity would be awesome
6 votes -
Wind direction backwards
Wind direction is normally given as direction it blows to, not from.
Check Wikipedia to confirm.
6 votes -
6 votes
5 votes
Storm direction rotates with compass
Storm direction indicator could rotate with compass to point in the direction of where the storm is coming from based on your location.
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?